



I. ECTP internal news


At the General Assembly of Leuven October 7th, a new ExCo  Executive Committee entered in function.

The Assembly warmly thanked the previous ExCo:

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Ignacio Peman, Joao Teixeira, Joris Scheers, Michael Stein, Dominique Lancrenon, Henk vander Kamp, Vincent Goodstadt

The new ExCo (2017-2021):
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Ignacio Peman, Janet Askew, Joris Scheers, Michael Stein, Henk vander Kamp, Vladan Djokic


International Symposium held in Leuven

Success of the International Symposium held in Leuven October 6  2017, organized by City of Leuven, VRP and ECTP-CEU under the title Enhancing spatial efficiency in urbanized areas chaired by Joris Scheers.




ECTP-CEU Guidelines on Professional Competences In Spatial Planning

The “ECTP-CEU Guidelines on Professional Competences In Spatial Planning” document was approved at the last ECTP-CEU General Assembly held on October 7th in Leuven after a long collaborative elaboration.
Final version available very soon.




The XIIth European Urban and Regional Planning Awards

The XIIth European Urban and Regional Planning Awards (2018)  currently in preparation was also presented by Dominique Lancrenon at the ECTP-CEU GA in Leuven. This new edition will be focused on the quality of the development of airports cities, exploring their capacities to create quality links with metropolises, to be integrated with the territories; both culturally and functionally.



Spatial Planning Milestones

Spatial Planning Milestones is a rank of events, books, congresses, plans, declarations, principles and concepts that contributed to Spatial Planning and to the quality of life in Europe.

The used Spatial Planning concept is a broad one. It includes Planning Theory, Planning Practice, Greater Plans, Landscape, Heritage, Transports, Infrastructures, Housing, Environment and Governance.
The site includes the possibility of making suggestions.

It is a initiative of João Teixeira, Past President of ECTP-CEU, and of Nuno Ventura Bento.

Spatial Planning Milestones from different countries can be added.
Please share your country Milestones !





Charter On Participatory Democracy

The City of Leuven signs The European Charter On Participatory Democracy in Spatial Planning Processes. With a Press Conference on October 6 2017, Mr Carl Devlies, Schepen van financiën en ruimtelijke ordening of City of Leuven signs the European Charter on Participatory Democracy in Spatial Planning Processes.

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Read more >>  





II. Next European Congresses.

– The Urban Agenda. European Union. Migrants and Refugees background information for the Cities Forum, 27-28 Nov. in Rotterdam. Organized by Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees.
Further information:

– Real Corp 2018. 23rd International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society Expanding Cities – Diminishing Space 4-6 APRIL 2018 TU WIEN, AUSTRIA.
Further information: www.corp.at

– Building cross-border territories: Europe for citizens. Thu, 30. November 2017 – Fri, 1. December 2017. Brussels.
Organized by , the Transfrontier Operational Mission (MOT) and the European Committee of the Regions. Further informationhttp://www.europeanstraits.eu/Agenda/Conference-Building-cross-border-territories-Europe-for-citizens

– Annual Polis Conference on “Transport innovation for sustainable cities and regions” 6-7 December 2017, Brussels, Belgium.
Further information https://www.polisnetwork.eu/2017conference

– Child in the City International Seminar. Children’s Play in the Urban Environment, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK, on 6-7 November 2017.
Futher information https://www.childinthecity.org/2017-london/


III. International Congresses

– Future African Airports Master Plan Conference&Workshop. 15th-16th November 2017. Protea Hotel Midrand Johannesburg. South Africa.
Further information: www.alintacorp.co.za




IV. News from international planning associations

AESOP. Special Lecture to Celebrate Diamond Jubilee of Klaus R. Kunzmann The Future of the European City in the Global Perspective 20th October 2017, Dortmund.
Further information: http://www.aesop-planning.eu/




V. News from member associations

AETU (Spain)held its yearly Congress last 23-24 September 2017 in Toledo under the title: the crisis of planning in Spain, new ways to formulate urban plans. Further information http://aetu.es/

Udruzenje urbanista Srbije (UUS Serbia) are organising the 26TH INTERNATIONAL URBAN PLANNERS EXHIBITION Niš, Officers’ Club, November 8-15, 2017
Download info here

The University of Belgrade are oganising a multimedia event:
The themes of the multimedia event ON ARCHITECTURE
http://strand.rs/2017/architecture/ are promoting quality design and  healthy environment, which improves the life of resident citizens and visitors, with attractive living places. It is what makes an exciting, vibrant city that offers knowledge about new trends in quality design and  healthy environment.

Multimedia project is carried out with the aim of continuing education throughout the year in several events/ activities:

1/ Keynote Talks, 15 September 2017

2/  Workshops: 15-17 September and 7-10 December

3/ Conference, 7-8 December 2017

4/ Exhibition, 6-16 December 2017

The XXV student competition Best Urban Design Project is launched.
The Czech Association for Urban and Regional Planning (AUUP) in cooperation with Slovak ZUUPS and Polish TUP host a traditional award scheme for students of planning and urban design in Central Europe. The winners will be announced in January 2018.
More info on www.urbanismus.cz

ASSURB (Italy) celebrates this year its 40th anniversary.
On that ocasion, ASSURB organised on 22 September, within the “Urban-promo Green” event in Venice, a conference highlighting the evolution from the mid-1970s concept of “urbanist” to the one of “planner”, thus reflecting the focus of the profession shifting from town planning to territorial/spatial development.
see more :



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Contact Info:

ECTP-CEU (aisbl)

European Council of Spatial Planners / Conseil Européen des Urbanistes

Brussels Commissioner for Europe and International Organisations Offices
Avenue d’Auderghem 63 – B-1040 Bruxelles /
Oudergemlaan 63, B-1040 Brussels

Tel : +32 (0) 470 350 432

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