
The city of Bodø is the administration centre in the County of Nordland and is the largest city
in the county with 50 000 citizens. Bodø is experiencing a rapid growth in the population and
is now transforming into a larger modern Norwegian city. In February 2014, the city council
adopted the overall strategic plan – Bodø 2030. The vision for Bodø 2030 is “an attractive
capital in the North”. This strategy contains six different focus areas where one focus area is
“sustainable city development”.

Within in the focus area sustainable city development, the city of Bodø has stated their
climatic goal: Bodø is an innovative low emission city, where the citizens feel safe for nature
related dangers. With this statement, Bodø will play an active role in both reduction of
climate gas emission and in adaption to a future climate. Both innovation and development
of new technology will be at central element in this work.

The national government has decided to end the military air activity in Bodø within the next
seven to ten years. The runway is from the early 1950’s and has a maximum of ten years left
before it has to be replaced by a new runway. This means that it has to be built a new
runway in Bodø within 2025.This gives opportunities to think future city development in a
completely new perspective.

Bodø has developed two different scenarios for city development with the two possible
solutions for future airport in Bodø. The first alternative is a new parallel runway 80 meter
from today’s runway. The other option is building a new airport one kilometre to the east of
today’s airport. By building a new airport in the area that is today occupied by the military
activity gives Bodø around 360 hectares for city development. An area big enough to house
25 000 citizens and gives the city large new business areas.

By moving the airport and building a complete new city in near relation with the historic city
centre, Bodø also get the opportunity to build a smart city for the future. In this work the
vision of building the smartest city in the world was born. How does a city look like in 2065?
What kind of technology is used in a future city? How is future buildings formed? What kind
of energy sources are used in future cities?

Scope of Work: Smart Bodø

The city of Bodø is developing a smart city project called Smart Bodø. This project is looking
at the whole society perspective in city development. By this, Bodø wants to connect public
health, education, welfare, environment, culture, governance, business development and
technology development together. The focus of Smart Bodø is divided in two parts. One
focus is the future city that we will develop from 2025 and onward. The first focus is to
develop a city where climate gas emission is minimized. The second focus is how the existing
city can become a smart city the next ten years. With these efforts, Bodø wants become one
of the frontrunners in the transition to the low carbon society.

The ISOCARP UPAT Team will assist the city of Bodø in the visioning and implementation
process for the urban development of Bodø. The UPAT Team members will utilize their
knowledge and experience to:
• Provide professional assessment of the Smart Bodø concept;
• Assess how the airport site can serve as an input factor and catalyst in the development
of local solutions that create regional, national and global value;
• Assess the proposed expansion of Bodø and in which way the existing city can be best
connected and integrated with the new areas that will be developed;
• Assess the functions and programs should the different parts of the city (historic centre,
secondary retail centre and new city) hold in a polycentric model;
• Assess the urban processes or physical measures that should be started or applied today
to prepare for the city expansion;
• Assess the implications of the new area for the current day-to-day planning and
• Write recommendations for a strategy for sustainable and productive future use and
land management
• Write recommendations for strategies and solutions for the developing of Smart Bodø
programme that contributes to innovation and the development of local solutions;
• Carry out comparative research between best practices in comparable cities.

The UPAT Team members working jointly with the city of Bodø will:
• Prepare and present initial findings and recommendations of the UPAT Team to the city
officials on the last day of the workshop;
• Contribute to an article (3,000 – 5,000 words) about ‘New Airport – Next City – Smart
Bodø’ concept for inclusion in the 2017 ISOCARP Review (number 13) and for
presentation at the 2017 ISOCARP Congress in Portland, Oregon;
• Write and publish a dedicated issue of the ISOCARP PLAN Magazine (number 5, 60 pages)
with the findings and recommendations of the UPAT Team;
• Organize a UPAT seminar at the 53rd ISOCARP Congress, October 2017 in Portland.

Terms of Reference

The role of the UPAT Team is to work closely and collectively with the city of Bodø as
colleagues for one week to review and deliver recommendations, designs and practical
solutions for the ‘New Airport – Next City – Smart Bodø’ concept.

Team Organization and Selection

The UPAT Team will comprise a total of seven ISOCARP and associated members of HPF: the
Team Leader, the UPAT Rapporteur, two senior planners, two young planning professionals
Call for Candidates ‘New Airport – Next City – Smart Bodø’ UPAT in Bodø, Norway 22 March 2017 4 / 8
and the Vice President UPATs. The team will be complemented with two young planning
professionals from Norway.

The expertise and experience of ISOCARP and associated members of HPF selected for this
project need to match with the nature, scale and complexity of the ‘New Airport – Next City –
Smart Bodø’ concept and with the requested deliverables.

The Vice President UPATs will send out Call for Candidates to members of ISOCARP and
associated members of HPF on 22 March 2017. The deadline for the applications is 21 April
2017. Candidates with the following expertise and skills will be encouraged to apply:
• Research and planning of airports, transportation hubs, urban transportation and
transit-oriented development;
• Smart City concepts, strategic urban planning and sustainable urban design;
• Research and analyses of cities, global trends, case studies of best and worst practises;
• Research and review of spatial planning policy documents;
• Writing clear and comprehensive spatial planning and vision documents and economic
feasibility assessments;
• Translation of vision into principles, scenarios, strategies and directly applicable
practical solutions;
• Work experience in Scandinavia or in arctic regions is recommended, but not required.

The city of Bodø will provide all necessary and relevant information, data and maps related
to the work of the UPAT Team. The UPAT team will visit and study the planning area in great
detail. As a large part of the planning area in Bodø is a NATO air force base in full operation,
the selected UPAT team members will be screened by NATO intelligence in de weeks before
travelling to Bodø.

ISOCARP and the city of Bodø may want to organise a second UPAT workshop with (partly)
the same team members in the winter of 2017-2018 as a follow-up of this UPAT workshop in
May-June 2017. New team members will be selected from the list of applicants of the first
UPAT workshop.


The selected team members will be requested to arrive for the UPAT Workshop in Bodø on
Saturday 27 May 2017 or Sunday 28 May 2017 at the latest. The UPAT Workshop starts on
Sunday 28 May 2017 with a tour in the city of Bodø. During the week, the UPAT Team will
visit the planning area and meet representatives and officials of the city of Bodø. Local
representatives and officials will be available to exchange ideas and respond to questions
throughout the workshop week. The UPAT Workshop will end with a presentation of the
preliminary results on Friday 02 June 2017. The selected team members will be free to
depart from Bodø on Saturday 03 June 2017.

The Team Leader, the UPAT Rapporteur and the team members will all contribute to the
presentation, the article for the ISOCARP Review and the PLAN Magazine. The UPAT Team’s
findings will be presented and discussed during UPAT Seminar at the 53rd ISOCARP Congress
24-27 October 2013 in Portland, Oregon.

The UPAT Team will bear in mind that the article for the Review and the PLAN Magazine will
need endorsement from the city of Bodø and need to be written according to the
publication requirements of ISOCARP. The two documents will have to meet the
expectations of professionalism and excellence of ISOCARP and Bodø. The PLAN Magazine
should comprise all UPAT working documents and materials produced by team members
and should be written and edited in English.

Contribution and Expenses

Participation in the Urban Planning Advisory Team is open to full ISOCARP Members only.
Their participation in and contribution to the ‘New Airport – Next City – Smart Bodø’ UPAT
workshop in Bodø is in principle voluntary (there will be no professional or per diem fees).
However, for this exceptional UPAT workshop ISOCARP has negotiated a fee for the UPAT
Team members who actively participate in the UPAT workshop in Bodø and in producing the
article for the ISOCARP Review and the PLAN Magazine.

The city of Bodø will provide accommodation, meals and local transportation during the
UPAT Workshops. The city of Bodø will also provide the working and meeting facilities,
access to the Internet, local information, maps and all necessary supplies required for the
UPAT Workshops and to produce a comprehensive presentation, the article for the ISOCARP
Review and Plan Magazine.
Call for Candidates ‘New Airport – Next City – Smart Bodø’ UPAT in Bodø, Norway 22 March 2017 6 / 8

An allowance for international travel expenses will be provided (cf. actual cost supported by
tickets and boarding passes) based on a travel distance policy. UPAT participants will receive
a maximum travel allowance for flight and visa costs of up to € 1.000 if their trip originates in
Europe and up to € 1.500 if their trip originates from outside Europe. In either case,
applicants will receive whichever is the lower of the two figures – actual expense and the
maximum limit. Travel expenses will be reimbursed against submitted original receipts,
tickets, boarding passes, etc. Selected applicants will be strongly advised to make their travel
arrangements and to apply for a visa as soon as possible and to take advantage of the best
available airfares.


The ‘’ Airport – Next City – Smart Bodø’ UPAT will be carried out under the responsibility of
the city of Bodø and ISOCARP. Traveling in Norway is comfortable and Bodø is a safe city.
However, in principle, the UPAT team members will travel and stay in Norway at their own
risk. The city of Bodø and ISOCARP will do their very best to safeguard the safety, integrity
and well being of the UPAT team members.


• The location of the UPAT will be in Bodø, Norway.
• Expected arrival date of the participants to Bodø for the UPAT Workshop is Saturday
27 May 2017, Sunday 28 May 2017 at the latest.
• Immediately after the selection, the city of Bodø will provide the UPAT team members
official invitation letters that they may need to apply for their visa.
• Transportation will be provided to and from the airport.
Call for Candidates ‘New Airport – Next City – Smart Bodø’ UPAT in Bodø, Norway 22 March 2017 7 / 8
• A detailed program will be provided to the selected team.
• The city of Bodø will arrange and pay for the hotel, meals, working and meeting
facilities and local transportation for the UPAT Team.
• Selected team members are requested to bring their laptops and digital cameras.
• UPAT Team members are requested to take a personal travel insurance to cover their
• Departures of the team members will have to be scheduled for Saturday 03 June 2017.
• Immediately after the selection in mid April one or two UPAT team members will need
to carry out research and initiate writing the article for ISOCARP 13. The complete
article will need to be submitted by the deadline of 30 June 2017.
• All UPAT Team members will be expected to contribute to the PLAN Magazine that
needs to be ready for publication on 25 August 2017.
• The selected team members will be invited to participate in the UPAT Seminar at the
53rd ISOCARP Congress in Portland, Oregon, 24-27 October 2017.


Call for Candidates 22 March 2017
Deadline – Reception of Applications 21 April 2017
Selection and announcement of Results 28 April 2017
Arrival of UPAT Team in Bodø for the UPAT Workshop 27-28 May 2017
‘New Airport – Next City – Smart Bodø’ UPAT Workshop 28 May – 02 June 2017
Departure UPAT Team from Bodø 03 June 2017
Essay for the ISOCARP Review 13 ready for Editorial Team 30 June 2017
Fifth PLAN Magazine ready for publication 25 August 2017
UPAT Seminar at the 53rd ISOCARP Congress in Portland 24-27 October 2017

Provisional Time Schedule Bodø UPAT Workshop

Day Time Activity
Saturday All day Arrival of participants
Sunday 09:00 Arrival of participants
12:00 Welcoming Lunch with a speech from the Major of Bodø and the President of Nordland County
14:00 Introductory presentations
16:00 Tour of Bodø starting with a small boat trip
20:00 First reflections
 Monday 09:00 Tour of Bodø, Junkefjellet and Air Force station
12:00 Lunch with a speech from North University
13:00 1. Working Session
16:00 – 20:00 Feedback / Discussion
 Tuesday 09:00 Inner City Tour of Bodø
12:00 Working lunch with a speech from a real estate
development company
13:00 2. Working Session
16:00 – 20:00 Feedback / Discussion
 Wednesday 09:00 3. Working Session
12:00 Working lunch with a speech from the editor from the regional newspaper
13:00 4. Working Session
16:00 – 20:00 Feedback / Discussion
 Thursday 09:00 Elaboration/Conclusions
14:00 Elaboration/Conclusions
16:00 – 20:00 Feedback / Discussion
 Friday 08:00 Final adjustments Elaboration/Conclusions
10:00 Presentation of Conclusions to Bodø officials
14:00 Feedback / Discussion deadline Review and Magazine
18:00 Farewell Dinner
 Saturday All day Departures

How to apply

ECTP-CEU is invited to provide a planning expert to apply for this workshop.

Experts, interested for this workshop can send a motivation letter and CV to by April 20th 2017 at the latest.

ECTP-CEU will send a shortlist of candidates to Isocarp and the city of Bodø, who will compose the final team.

The selection will be made aiming at a highly qualified and diverse (gender, age, region of origin) team.