Participate in the “Envies de Loire” International Ideas Contest Taking Place in Tours Metropolis
The metropolitan area of Tours is launching an international ideas contest concerning the Loire’s banks which are registered in the UNESCO humanity heritage. This contest is up for multidisciplinary team specialized in city planning coming from different horizons professionals or not (the mandatory must be a professionnal). Ideas will be used to concretely change the Loire’s banks aspect.
You want to participate?
Make up a multidisciplinary team of 4 and send your application form by June, 15 on
If you are part of the six teams preselected, you will be asked to join us for a workshop from October 12 to October 16 in Tours. The contest laureate will be given a deepening mission worth 50 000€.
Please find all guidelines and information beginning May,5 on
Agence d’Urbanisme
de l’Agglomération de Tours
3 cour du 56 avenue Marcel Dassault
37206 Tours